
Year 2017 is almost over. We had some great moments of joy, as well as dark clouds of sorrow. The most wonderful thing was undeniably the birth of the Septuplets litter. Everything went so well, thanks to the unbelievable Elsi (Northalla Ethereal Medium) mom, plus the wonderful people of her […]

2017 – year of joys and sorrows

March 2017
Batu is a tawny spotted castrated male Ocicat, born in June 2014. Recently I’ve received photos of Batu from his owners, showing that his eye color has slowly within the last year turned from yellow-green to blue! The gradual change has begun at the age of 2 years and progressed […]

Peculiar eye color

Elsi and Calippo’s kittens have gotten their eyes open this week, and there are fourteen brand new pepper eyes wondering the world inside their dim and secure kitten nest. For now we will settle for a photo of one week old kittens, who just started to open their eyes. Soon enough […]

The Septuplets Litter

This time of the year, there is hardly anything for the cats to munch on when we go harnessing on our yard. Only some yellow grass and remains of the last summer’s catnip. We got an inspiration from this video, shared by Suomen Kissaliitto. I didn’t remember that you can […]

Spring munchies

Elsi is good and pregnant as you can see. She is growing her babies inside her, and the father Calippo couldn’t be more proud. I can’t believe that Gubbe and Lily are becoming grandparents already! I hope next week we can announce wonderful news. Please keep your fingers crossed!

Elsi’s belly is growing

Unfortunately we don’t have a newborn litter now. We were expecting Moona (IC Northalla Moonlight) and Calippo’s (CH Ozzyspot’s Calippo Ize) litter to be born in these days. Moona was scanned by ultrasound three weeks after the mating and she had a few embryos in her womb. But something has happened […]

No November kittens for Moona

Our tenth ocicat litter was born last night. The tenth FI*Northalla  litter consists of two boys and one girl. We will add a more detailed description of all kittens later on our kittens page. The litter was the second one for mommy Helmi (CH FI*Northalla Granuaile) and the first one for daddy Calippo (CH […]

Our tenth litter